Participation in the Eclipse Trial will last approximately 19 months and includes 15 visits to a clinical trial site and 11 phone calls with the clinical trial team.
Participants will be given a total of 3 injections in the upper arm, each during separate visits.
Participants will be randomly assigned to receive the investigational mRNA-1189 vaccine or a placebo. A placebo is a solution that contains no active ingredients and is used as a comparison to understand whether the investigational vaccine works and is safe. All clinical trial participants will get the same level of trial-related care regardless of which injection or dose they receive.
Participation in the Eclipse Trial includes 3 parts:
- Screening: During this period, which lasts up to 28 days, the trial team performs tests and procedures to make sure the clinical trial is a good match for the potential participant.
- Dosing period: During this period, the participant has 3 injection visits to receive the investigational vaccine or the placebo, along with additional site visits and phone calls for health checks. This period lasts approximately 6 months.
- Follow-up observation period: This period lasts up to 12 months after the last dose of the investigational vaccine or placebo. During this period, the participant monitors their health for side effects and mono symptoms.
Participants will be asked to use an eDiary app on their smartphone (or a provided device) to report any side effects they might experience every day for 6 days after receiving each of the injections. During the Follow-up period, they will also answer general health questions in the app monthly.
Insurance is not needed to participate, and all trial-related procedures and exams will be covered at no cost. Qualified participants will receive payment for their trial-related time and travel.